Wednesday, May 12, 2010


I am currently embroiled in a facebook battle. I basically commented 'learn to spell' and the illiterate piece of poo (trying not to swear) is bringing up events of the past.

Back story, I was an unruly school child, and spent a lot of my time doing Rachael-esque (Glee) storm outs whilst 'learning'. A lot of these were while crying. I was an emotional child, and a lazy one. So combine the two and BAM! Straight out of class.

My work ethic has since picked up.

Back to the story, which I shall copy and paste some of, his great (and barely readable) come back was something about running out of the classroom like a little school girl. I told him that the past is the past, and that judging by my size, I am hardly little.

He has since to reply, being the dopey person he is.

Some of the convo (the original topic is not relevant to make my point)

And trust my luck, it won't let me post. I feel like my heart is sad at this point

But trust me when I say it was illiterate. Kitchen was spelt 'citchin' and his basic grammar caused his 'arguments' to basicallly be mindless drivel.

This is all

Jess xx